Thursday, September 10, 2009

Change your handwriting Change your emotions

Little known fact:

Like pavlov's dog, emotions are associated with your physical body.
Want or need to change an emotional response to a past event because that emotional response:

  • Didn't help then
  • Sure doesn't help now
  • Has way too much horsepower behind it for you to maintain the status quo.
Change your physiology and you change your emotions.
How you feel about X is not near as important as WHERE you're storing that emotional response.

The only way to feel anything is within your physical body, your mind isn't doing anything to you, YOU put that feeling IN YOUR BODY... it's YOUR BODY, don't do that.

"Doc, it hurts when I do X,
Doc says: "Don't do X"
It's well known that handwriting leaves clues as to a persons makeup, what's less well known is that it works the other way too!
Change your handwriting, and you change what you feel.

Below is an article I found on AOL about handwriting analysis.

What Your Handwriting Says About You

by N. Bhatta, AOL Find a Job

Of course, what you write is more important than how you write it, but arguably one's handwriting can be considered a window into the soul –or at least one's job satisfaction. Handwriting is an everyday skill that we use to convey thoughts and ideas, and studies show that there could be more to your scribbling than meets the eye. Whether you are handing in a report with notes in the margin or leaving a simple note for your colleague, your handwriting may contain important clues about your state of mind and your personality. Use these tips to analyze how your pen strokes might be declaring your persona to the people around you. Who knows? You might find your John Hancock telling you that you need to make a few changes to your modus operandi!

Handwriting Style: Small Script.

handwritingWhat it may say about you: If your writing is on the small side, you might be coming across as introverted and socially reclusive. However, small scripters are also known to be very detail oriented and methodical. If this sounds like you, perhaps you should look into a position where research is an important aspect of the job, like newspaper journalism or pharmaceuticals. You just might find that you have a knack for digging through sources to find the right information and your little letters will help you to squeeze a lot of information into a small space.

Handwriting Style: Large Letters.

What it may say about you: People who write in huge script are often displaying their large personality and extremely social nature on paper. Do you often find yourself being the life of the party? When it comes to jobs where working in teams is important, like in public relations or the hospitality industry, this quality will often be appreciated by your peers. Just make sure you're not so focused on being the center of attention that you miss out on what your colleagues have to say. Loner jobs aren't ideal for you, and you're better off in a lively environment where there is a good amount of face to face interaction.

Handwriting Style: Downward-slanting letters.

What it may say about you: If your letters lean down, this may sometimes appear as though your words are connected to pessimism and an unpleasant disposition. Only you can know whether or not you're a grumpy employee, and even if you're in a troubled industry like real estate, if you notice that your "p"s and "q"s are looking a little droopy, you might want to observe your interactions with colleagues to see how your presence is being received.

Handwriting Style: Upward-slanting letters.

handwritingWhat it may say about you: Whatever you're writing, it makes others feel like things are looking up! Everyone in an office appreciates the energy that an optimist brings to the workplace, and if your writing slants upwards there is a chance that you are among the most desirable of officemates. An upward slanted style can also be indicative of honesty and a strong will to succeed, and those qualities will serve you well in any field of activity, but especially in the field of training and at not for profit organizations.

Handwriting Style: Dark, bold strokes.

What it may say about you: Those who use a heavy hand and a good amount of pressure when writing are often thought to be people who are not afraid of commitment. Being able to take on commitment and owning the space (and the pages!) around you is certainly a positive attribute, especially in a field like consulting or banking. However, if your handwriting shows excessive pressure, then it might be a sign of aggression and a quick temper. In addition, you could be causing unnecessary physical stress to your hand and wrist.

More Telling Features:

Handwriting Style: Faint, light strokes.

What it may say about you: Most of the time, writing without too much pressure on the page displays an easy going nature and a level of sensitivity towards others a great trait in multifaceted industries like travel. But write too lightly and you run the risk of showing no confidence or liveliness at all, and nobody wants to hire an employee who doesn't have at least a little pep in their step and ownership of their words!

Handwriting Style: Squished words and cramped sentences.

What it may say about you: The way your words bunch together can often be a direct translation to how you create your personal relationships. If you write with little or no space between words, you may be a person who likes little or no space when it comes to people. The positive aspect of this could be that you are a social person who enjoys the company of others, which works wonders in an educational career or in recreation. However, leaving too little space between you and your colleagues might lead some to think of you as intrusive, so be sure to find a balance.

Handwriting Style: Words and sentences that are extremely spaced out.

handwritingWhat is may say about you: If you prefer to be alone or feel the need to have your own space at all times, look to see if your written words and letters reflect this by being far away from one another. Everyone needs space from time to time, but make sure that you are not sending yourself and your message to outer space while everyone else is trying to get work done as a close-knit team. Being a top level employee means having to work in groups on occasion, even if your career is an isolated one like those in computer software and hardware, so if you have tendencies towards creating distance, then you might need to make an extra effort to reach out to your colleagues.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Using NLP As A Visualization Aid

When visualizing your desires there are a few tricks that you
may or may not be aware of. In this article I am going to
introduce you to some basic, older NLP devices that can be
incredibly effective.

First if you have never heard of NLP before, it stands for
Neuro Linguistic Programming. Be sure to do your own research on
NLP as there are plenty of free information sites available.

Now let's move on and I'll teach you how to apply one simple
NLP method to your visualizations. First, think of a good memory
that you found enjoyable or exciting. Whilst you're in the
process of recalling that memory, brighten the image in your
mind. Pretend that your mind works like a television set and you
can adjust the brightness control.

How did you feel? Was the memory becoming more intense?

Now to do the same thing again but this time, dim the
brightness. Notice how you feel now.

This time, recall the same memory but instead of adjust
brightness, intensify the colors as you see this memory in your
mind. Make them vivid, exciting and make them stand out! After a
few seconds of doing this, try dulling the colors like we did
before with the brightness. Notice how you feel in both

In most cases, brightening an image or intensifying the colors
causes the emotional response to a memory to magnify. When you
dim and dull a memory this causes the emotional response to
diminish. Many therapists who use NLP teach people to dim their
bad memories, turn them black and white, shrink them, and even
mute them. This has the effect of removing the connection to the
emotions from the memory, and can allow many people to get over
traumatic episodes in their lives.

This little exercise has shown us that if we intensify the
colors and brightness we can intensify our emotional response
regarding the memory or vision. The whole point of visualizing
our desires is to create an emotional response which sends clear
and strong messages to the universe.

These little NLP tricks will help you to take your
visualizations to the next level and magnify your efforts.

Here are a few additional things that you can play around with:
try tilting the mental picture forward or backward; zoom in and
then out on the picture. Increase the red hue, then the blue
hue, then the green hue, and see how coloring your memory with
different colors affects your emotional response. Put a frame
around your memory. Make it into a two dimensional photo, then
back into a three dimensional environment.

Make sure when you're practicing, you are visualizing three
dimensional, moving pictures with sound, as though you are
there. Some people forget to include sound in their
visualizations. Remember, the more sensory responses you can
activate the more vivid and emotional you will become with your

Have fun with this and play around until you find a perfect
combination for increasing your mental imagery.

About The Author: Manifesting Reality Isn't Hard Work After
All. Get your free report on manifesting miracles right now by
visiting: http://www.Manifest free/

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nicotine Addiction and N.L.P

Cigarette Smoking Addiction With NLP

I'm including several articles on N.L.P. in general even though they are not *from* Tony Robbins, bear with me, there is a method to my ...ness.

If you've just stumbled onto this blog please subscribe to my RSS
and remember to subscribe to Tony Robbins version of Global Beliefs to ensure you can enjoy the latest post(s).

There are three separate components to a cigarette smoking habit. Two of the elements are mental, and one part is physical.


When you were a tot and you became upset, your mother would put a pacifier into your mouth to distract you from that upset. You would get distracted, become more peaceful, and often go to sleep. That scenario was repeated thousands of times so that your unconscious mind was programmed: When something goes into your mouth, you get relaxation and pleasure from it.

Now that you are a grownup, if you feel nervous or tense, you crave something in your mouth for relaxation and pleasure - a cigarette!


Remember Pavlov? He rang a bell every time that he fed his dogs. After a few repetitions, he would just ring the bell, and the sound of the bell would trigger the dogs to salivate.

When you link smoking a cigarette with any other behavior, the other behavior will trigger cravings for a cigarette and an urge that makes you feel compelled to light up. This is called a conditioned response.

For example: If you light-up when you see a cup of coffee, you will automatically get an urge to light-up each time you have a cup of coffee.

Here is exactly how this conditioned response gets programmed into your subconscious: If a person smokes and simultaneously drinks a cup of coffee, the mind takes a snapshot of the cigarette in the hand, and ties it to the cup of coffee. Thereafter, every time the person has a cup of coffee, his unconscious mind fills in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of the cigarette, and the smoker gets a craving for one.

You may not be consciously aware of the mental image of the cigarette, because it may only be at the subconscious level of mind. Just as you are not consciously aware of what you are seeing through your peripheral vision until someone or something draws your attention to it. But the image is there, creating a craving for a cigarette.


I've worked one-on-one with several thousand people who smoke and I give you my personal guarantee that the physical addiction is the weakest part of the habit. In fact, I believe that it is only ten percent of the smoking habit. ninety percent of the habit are the mental and emotional parts! (Parts A and B).


As soon as you eliminate the anxiety that pushes you to put cigarettes into the mouth for relaxation and pleasure (Part A) . . . and when you erase the conditioned response of feeling compulsions for cigarettes when having a cup of coffee, driving, or finishing a meal, etc. (Part B) . . . then you can give up smoking without needing willpower, and without having to experience withdrawal symptoms or gaining weight.

Self Hypnosis can help trigger a smoker to stop. Self-hypnosis will make it easy to give up smoking because it takes care of Parts A & B! Here is how:

Part A is where people light-up a cigarette for relaxation and pleasure. It's a person's thoughts which create feelings of stress. More exactly, people always watch mental movies in their mind's eye. If the movie is negative, it creates a feeling of anxiety.

We can use various hypnosis and NLP techniques to train the unconscious to automatically take those stress creating mental images, and automatically exchange them for relaxation producing mental pictures and movies. This produces relaxation and pleasure, and eliminates the stress that triggers the oral compulsions and cravings for cigarettes.

Because of the elimination of stress, the smoker who is quitting does not feel the compulsion or need to substitute food in place of the cigarettes. So quitting without weight gain is possible.

Part B is where people light-up because smoking becomes a conditioned response to many different activities and locations. Remember in the earlier example how smoking became unconsciously associated with other activities and environments so that each time smokers get into that activity or environment, the mind flashes an image of a cigarette, and the image of the cigarette triggers cravings for a cigarette?

There are effective hypnosis technologies that can effectively eliminate those conditioned responses so that a smoker's unconscious will lose the cravings for cigarettes, and the compulsion to smoke. As a matter of fact, you can even get a compulsion to reject the cigarettes.


To summarize, when we utilize certain NLP methods, it becomes very easy to quit smoking without withdrawal or weight gain. And many of these techniques do not even depend on post-hypnotic suggestions. They depend on training the subconscious mind to use the same thought processes that the mind is using to create the smoking habit, to eliminate the mental addiction.

Alan B. Densky, CH established his practice starting in 1978. He offers Neuro-VISION Video Stop Smoking Self Hypnosis Programs and Audio Quit Smoking Self Hypnosis Programs. Visit his free library of original NLP & hypnosis articles or download FREE self hypnosis and NLP newsletters and MP3's.